This 3 acre property located high above the surrounding area would make for an interesting location for your home or trailer. County water is available, and the zoning does allow for mobile homes, including single-wides! For the cheap price, this land might also be used recreationally: as a fun place for a cabin in the woods, or small hunting tract.
PLEASE NOTE: Access is steeply up through a shared easement from nearby Duncan Cir – which is a gravel road. The boundaries of the land are steep, but can be walked up fairly easily. Cutting in a driveway would likely require significant grading. About the middle of the lot, however, you’ll find a reasonably level crest where a building could be located. From this position, it would be possible to have some big views to the south if some of the trees were cut down.
When this land was first subdivided, there was talk of granting access from the east, via the driveway connecting Lots 5 and 1 to Blount Rd. However, we could not establish that such access legally exists currently, and therefore, this kind of access might only be granted by consultation with the neighbor, and the creation of a shared-use agreement or similar.